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Delores W. - Web For Actors client


I think the website is great for all entertainers.

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Actor Website Tips | Get domain names with your name or stage name in it. That's how people will find you.

Picking a domain name for your actor website There are always different opinions out there on what the first step of getting the website should be. Without any doubt, I strongly believe that the first step should be finding the right domain name.If you're not...

Fun Facts | Websites for Actors

Build your actor website Build your #actor #website during a commercial break.

Actor Casting Hints | Impress Casting Directors

How to get cast Be savvy with the camera. Unless it's a commercial shoot, look at the reader not into the lens.

Actor Dictionary | Event Series

What you should know

This is a TV series who's story line is based on one single event. Examples of past series include shows like LOST and JERICHO. However, nowadays, event series have been synonymous with mini series seeing as that the stories our close-ended and typically conclude after one season. Networks and creators know they can't drag on a story based on an event for more than one season. What networks will often do instead is once the story concludes in the first season, they will use the built-in brand of that show and use to create another event series based on the same premise. Recent examples of event series of this nature are TRUE DETECTIVE, AMERICAN HORROR STORY and FARGO. The first season of each has as a close ended story, but they will use the show's brand to create and market and fresh new story with new characters for the following season. Be aware that event and mini series are NOT interchangeable with "limited series".

Where do you want to go next?

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